Making Digital Audiobooks

We’ll professionally narrate, edit, and produce your audiobook, and then submit it to retailers like Walmart, Kobo (international sales), iTunes, Amazon, and Audible for wider distribution. Our audiobook production is privy to efficient methodology.

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American Writing Space – Our Case

American Writing Space offers unparalleled audiobook services that will bring your literary creation to life. We have a crack staff of writers, narrators, and producers who work together to create memorable audio for you. We give soul to your words, turning them into engrossing audio masterpieces, whether they’re riveting works of fiction or informative works of non-fiction. We’ll help get the word out about your audiobook and increase sales with targeted promotional techniques. While you focus on your art, we’ll take care of the entire process of creating and promoting your audiobook. The quality of your stories can only improve with the help of our audiobook services. Visit the best audiobook services and see the difference.

  •  Ghostwriting
  •  Book Cover Design
  •  Proof Reading
  •  Book Publishing
  •  Book Editing
  •  Book Marketing

Need Someone To Read Your Novel?

There’s nothing quite like listening to an audio book together as a family and discussing what you’ve heard. We will design the cover art and assign an ISBN for your audiobook so that it may be sold digitally, on CD, and online. American Writing Space would never ask you to sign an exclusive contract, so you can continue selling your audiobook on your website and at events as usual. This makes it optimal to choose our audiobook services

Best Selling Books

Listen and Transport Yourself.

Audio books are a terrific way to enjoy stories anytime, anywhere, and they are especially popular for quality family time.

Model good interpretive reading

Sidestep unfamiliar dialects or accents, Old English, and old-fashioned literary styles

FREE Copyright Ghost Write consultancy.

Provide a bridge to important topics of discussion for parents and children who can listen together while commuting to sporting events, music lessons, or on vacations

Create An Exciting Audiobook From Your Writing

Our audiobook production services for hire provide in-depth direction, elevating your ideas into a polished audiobook.

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